
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Raranga Matihko

Raranga Matihiko
On Thursday the 4th of April Whaea Lee-ann daughter  Whaea (Waimiiria) and her friend Whaea  Stacey came to Te Puna Wairua at  Tāmaki primary school to show as how to edit our movie clip from the  museum so our movie clip is cool . And the cool is’t thing That we did was coding on the ipad’s and after that we edit orw movie clip and we  put a song so our movie clip sang good . When they left we sang a song and after we sang a song Whaea Waimiiria sang a song for as . 

I enjoy the video that we did.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

I Am a smart leaner because i know what restricted ste's are

I know what are restricted site are restricted sites are inappropriate stuff like wearing sexual content and
nudity and gun's and mature audience is for  15 years and over.